The Day After Dental Implant Surgery: Here's What to Expect

woman at dentist smiling

Missing teeth cause major disruption to normal eating patterns, oral health, and aesthetic benefits of a natural-looking smile. At Michaela Tozzi, DMD, located in Las Vegas, NV, Dr. Michaela Tozzi offers patients dental implants for long-lasting teeth restoration. Dr. Tozzi utilizes the innovative, All-on-4® dental implants by Nobel Biocare® to replace any number of missing teeth for a secure, natural fit that lasts for years to come.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are metal screws that are surgically implanted into the jawbone and connected to metal posts, or abutments, that serve as roots for artificial teeth. The abutments can be secured to crowns, dentures, and bridges to fill gaps and provide a patient with a natural-looking, complete smile. Dr. Tozzi is qualified to provide men and women with top-notch dental implant surgery with long-lasting outcomes.

Who makes an ideal candidate for dental implants?

Any adult can be recommended for dental implant surgery if they have:

  • Gaps along the upper or lower gums

  • Single or multiple missing teeth

  • Whole sets of missing teeth

Men and women who have tried dentures may be candidates for dental implants if they are looking for a more secure fit. Dr. Tozzi performs initial dental exams and collects personal histories to help patients determine if dental implant surgery in Las Vegas is right for them. Pregnancy, chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, periodontal disease, tobacco use, and radiation therapy to the head and neck are a few medical conditions that may make patients ineligible for dental implants.

How does the implant procedure work?

Before the implants can be surgically placed, Dr. Tozzi may have to prepare the mouth by extracting damaged teeth, performing gum surgery, or conducting bone grafting procedures. Once the mouth is fully prepped, local anesthesia is administered to numb the treatment area(s). Dr. Tozzi makes an incision in the gum to place and insert the implant and abutment into the jawbone. This process is repeated for multiple implants. Patients are sent home to heal with temporary crowns placed over the posts. Once the implant has properly healed to the jawbone in a few months, your custom restoration is attached to the implant at Michaela Tozzi, DMD.

Are dental implants painful?

Since local anesthesia is used to numb the mouth before the procedure, patients usually feel little to no pain. Dr. Tozzi offers additional anesthesia and sedation options for patients who want to feel more comfortable during dental implant surgery.

What if you are missing multiple teeth?

If a patient has more than one tooth that is damaged or missing, Dr. Tozzi can insert multiple implants. For missing teeth next to each other, two posts are placed on either side of the large gap to hold an implant-retained bridge, which is stronger and more natural-looking than traditional bridges.

What if you are missing a full set of teeth?

If you are missing a full set of teeth either on the bottom or top gums (or both), 4 – 6 implants are used to secure dentures in place. Unlike traditional dentures, dental implant dentures are secured to the metal posts instead of adhesive, which lessens the risk for the dentures to slip or fall out while chewing or talking.

The day after dental implant surgery: What to expect

All-on-4 dental implants are associated with quicker recovery time compared to traditional implants. Dr. Tozzi helps each patient determine which dental implants are right for them and meet their personal dental goals. Patients can expect to have tenderness, swelling, bruising, and minor bleeding after dental implant surgery. Dr. Tozzi recommends over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription antibiotics to aid in recovery. It takes several months for dental implants to fully heal and adhere to the jawbone. During that time, patients are asked to follow post-operative instructions (eating softened foods, staying hydrated) for a short period to optimize healing. Once the implants are fully healed, patients should keep up on good oral hygiene and health habits, including:

  • Flossing

  • Brushing

  • Using mouthwash

  • Eating nutritious meals

  • Staying hydrated

  • Attending regular dental checkups

How long do dental implants last?

If the dental implants are cared for, and patients follow healthy dental hygiene habits, implants can last for decades. Porcelain crowns, dentures, and bridges attached to the implants have a typical lifespan of 15 – 20 years.

Does dental insurance cover dental implant surgery?

Depending on the dental insurance policy, patients may attain partial coverage for implant surgery and customized restoration. Dr. Tozzi can discuss policy coverage, personal out-of-pocket costs, and financing options during your initial consultation.

Where to go to learn more about dental implant surgery

If you have damaged or missing teeth and want a long-term solution to completing your smile, contact Michaela Tozzi, DMD in Las Vegas, NV and schedule a consultation today. After sitting down with you, reviewing your medical history, assessing your jawbone and gum health, and listening to your concerns and dental goals, Dr. Michaela Tozzi will help you determine if dental implant surgery is right for you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.