Get Your Smile Ready for the New Year

By Ascend Dental Studio

A new year brings numerous new opportunities. When you have aesthetic problems with your smile you want to correct, the beginning of the year is a great time to get those issues taken care of. Luckily, the office of Tom Lawler, DMD offers plenty of cosmetic dentistry services to help you feel confident in your smile once more.

Zoom! Whitening

You can have amazingly brighter teeth in just one appointment thanks to the Zoom! teeth whitening system. This treatment is ideal for patients who have yellow teeth due to coffee, tea or red wine stains. The process only takes about one hour, and your teeth can be five shades brighter by the end of it.

Botox and Fillers

Part of having a beautiful smile involves the area around your mouth, too. Many people develop wrinkles and fine lines around the nose and mouth, and you can smooth out those areas with dermal fillers. BotoxÒ is another option when you also have frown lines or crow’s feet around the eyes.


Lumineers are extremely thin shells of porcelain that go over your teeth. They are ideal for covering up an array of imperfections. If you suffer from crooked, chipped or cracked teeth, then Lumineers or even porcelain veneers could be a great option for you.


Invisalign helps repair slightly crooked or misaligned teeth. Instead of getting metal brackets placed over your teeth, you can enjoy clear aligners that do not contain any metal and will not irritate your gums. You will not have to deal with the same dietary restrictions with these specially-crafted aligners.

Call Us If Any of These Sound Right for You.

Our dentist aims to keep everyone in Henderson, NV happy. No matter what you have planned for 2019, you should pursue your goals with a beautiful smile.