Can ClearCorrect Teeth Aligners Improve A Smile?


By Ascend Dental Studio

If you are thinking about straightening your smile without going down the path of traditional orthodontics, ClearCorrect teeth aligners are a fast and convenient alternative and Tom Lawler, DMD in Henderson, NV, can help you with all of your dental aesthetic needs. With ClearCorrect, your teeth and bite are improved simply by wearing clear teeth aligners in Henderson, NV. In comparison to Invisalign treatment, a comparable system of clear aligners, ClearCorrect is a more cost-effective option.

These custom appliances feel comfortable and offer you a seamless look that is virtually undetectable in the mouth. They also are easily removed during meals, so you do not have to worry about limiting what you eat during treatment. To learn more about ClearCorrect aligners, schedule an appointment with cosmetic dentist Dr. Tom Lawler at our office in the Greater Henderson area.

Who is the best candidate for ClearCorrect?

Dr. Lawler recommends ClearCorrect for patients who have:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth that are out of alignment
  • Overbite
  • Rotated teeth
  • Excessive gaps in their smile

When you visit our Henderson, NV area office for a consultation, Dr. Lawler will answer all of your questions to determine if ClearCorrect is the best option for your dental needs.

How does ClearCorrect treatment work?

Dr. Lawler takes digital x-rays of your jaw and teeth and impressions that she will use to customize your ClearCorrect aligners. Once we get your aligners, we will call you to schedule an appointment for your initial fitting. You will need follow-up appointments every two weeks. During these visits, Dr. Lawler will assess your progress and issue replacement aligners as your teeth and bite change over time.

If you damage or lose an aligner, just give our office a call and we can create a new aligner so you can continue your treatment without having to wait until your next appointment with us. Most treatments should take 12 – 24 months (about eight phases of clear teeth aligners).

What happens after ClearCorrect?

Dr. Lawler must check your progress every two weeks to make necessary adjustments. It’s important to always keep your teeth and your ClearCorrect aligners clean to prevent tooth decay. Brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash once daily is also good for your oral health. Also, always clean or rinse your aligners before placing them back into your mouth. Once your treatment is finished, you must wear a retainer to keep your teeth from going back to their initial places. Schedule annual dental exams at Tom Lawler, DMD to allow Dr. Lawler to monitor your teeth, alignment, and oral health.

Will insurance cover ClearCorrect teeth aligners?

During your visit, we can review any price estimates with you. We accept various flexible payment methods, including low-interest medical financing. If you have dental insurance, we can contact your provider to review your policy to determine if your insurance covers this treatment.

Achieve straighter and healthier teeth with ClearCorrect

To learn more information about ClearCorrect removable aligners and to make the most informed choice for your oral health, schedule a consultation at Dr. Tom Lawler. Allow Dr. Tom Lawler to boost your self-confidence with this teeth straightening treatment. Call our office near Henderson, NV today to see if ClearCorrect aligners are right for you.